
協力隊としてナミビアで男2人が奮闘中in khorixas



The beauty contest was held at my school yesterday. It is like the beauty pageant of Japanese university. They were fashionable and they walked in front of everyone I was so surprised that girls of grade1 participated and that wore bathing…


I has rained since today in the evening Probably for the first time in 4 months a lot of rain fell. It may be the first time that I heard thunder after I came to NAMIBIA. The view of Khorixas is always brown. However since the rainy season…


今週の火曜日に中間報告がありました! 1年間の活動の振り返りとこれからの活動について、学校の先生たちに向けて報告しました。 それと、自分が思っていること、主に体育とArtsの科目の重要性について説明しました。 私の学校では体育とArtsの授業は、先生…

How are you ? I’m fine !

How are you? I’m fine! Thank you ! 私事でしょうもないですが ここ最近、このやり取りってなんなんだろう?と悩んでいます。 中学校1年生、英語の勉強が始まって真っ先に覚える会話の1つですね。 日本語に翻訳する場合 「お元気ですか?」 「元気です。」…

マラソン大会 in Walvis Bay

5th of October was the Teaher’s Day. The Teaher’s Day is a special day for the appreciation of teahers. Celebratory events were held at schools in ohter countries. But there was no such event at my school, was closed. Then, it was three ho…


Khorixas is located in the northwestern part of Namibia. It has become hot from October. The weather in the recent week is like this. It is sunny and really hot every day. There is no air condition in my office. I heard from colleagues tha…


I often see such a scene in khorixas I live in. The flock of goats walk in the ground of school and road. Namibia is a county with many nature and many animals. Namibia people eat a lot of animals that can’t be eaten in Japan. Japanese usu…


JICA's business not only dispatches Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers from Japan but also invites Japan to study people in developing countries. I recently learned about this. AndI encountered a person who will join it and go to Japan …


暑さでがっつり夏バテ中です。 昨日土曜日に、学校行事のtombolaと呼ばれるものがありました。これは宝くじ大会のようなものです。学校の児童と教師らが各家庭から食料品や生活用品などのアイテムを持ってきて、それらのアイテムをくじで引いてゲットするこ…