
協力隊としてナミビアで男2人が奮闘中in khorixas

Khorixas の建築事情−新築編

I talk about new building of Khorixas .

This story is before construction.


 I designed the  new house for my colleag and drew its plans last year.


Today, the colleag submitted the house plans to Town Council.


When a building is built, the client has to pay some money to the Town Council.

Fee per square meter is decided.

After paying the fee, the client can build the house.

But there is no private construction company in Khorixas.

There are construction companies in big cities.

However , if you ask a private company, the price is expensive.

That’s why it’s very hard for poor people to build a house in Khorixas.


At this time, client is a woman.

Probably She doesn’t have a husband,but she has a child.


I thought it was impossible for her to built the house.

But she said I will build the house this year.


Her way is as follows.

First of all ,she will ask amount of materials needed for her friend of architect.

And then she will buy the materials herself in big town.

After that, she will hire construction workers in Khorixas.


I was surprised to hear this story.

Because it means that she will be construction supervisor.


Women are stronger than men in every country!

