
協力隊としてナミビアで男2人が奮闘中in khorixas


JICA's business not only dispatches Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers from Japan but also invites Japan to study people in developing countries.
I recently learned about this.
I encountered a person who will join it and go to Japan next week,
Today, the person visited my house and talked to us about Japan.

“You will be surprised to see a lot of people”
 “Please tell me your impression after you return to Khorixas “
And then 
He showed me a book on Japanese basic conversation




Is Japanese difficult for him?

I thought that Japanese is confusing.
The introduction about Japanese food was published there, I write it


Uson- White Japanese noodles made from wheat flour thicker than soba. 

It is eaten like soba dipped in a cold , light shoyu soup or in a hot soup with minced green onions and red pepper .




