
協力隊としてナミビアで男2人が奮闘中in khorixas

マラソン大会 in Walvis Bay


5th of October was the Teaher’s Day.


The Teaher’s Day is a special day for the appreciation of teahers. Celebratory events were held at schools in ohter countries.


But there was no such event at my school, was closed.


Then, it was three holidays, we took part in the marathon in Walvis Bay.



Walvis Bay is the town facing the Atlantic Ocean, so the temperature was low and it was very cold unlike Khorixas.


People from various countries outside of Namibia also participated in the marathon, and in addition to the full marathon, there were also half, 10km, bike races, etc.



We ran the 10km due to the injury effect and low consciousness.


I ran over 10km, and thought that I was really good not to register in the full marathon.


I was really tired.


Even now after two days, my legs are sore muscles.

I will not run the marathon in the future


