
協力隊としてナミビアで男2人が奮闘中in khorixas



Today, I explain about my activities in Namibia 


As I wrote before, I’m teaching P.E. and Arts at primary school 


First P.E., I’m teaching the new sports and game for the learners

Because the learners only knew soccer, so they thought  P.E. is that playing soccer


For example, Dodgeball, jumping rope



Recently Dodgeball became more popular among them than soccer

I want them to experience a lot in P.E


Next Arts, Arts is a combination of drawing and manual arts subject and music subject of Japan


Drawing, singing, making something 


Memory of holiday 



Making 2D shapes 



Class poster


The learners like Arts, they are good at drawing and making things


Finally, there are classes in the afternoon three times a week. Then I teach mathematics as supplementary lesson for grade6


I teach the basic operation such as addition and subtraction 



Then I am going to have the mathematics classes of grade 6 from next term


From next week, the final examination will start 

It means that this week is the last lesson for the learners


I want to teach it fun until the last


